
Profile picture of Hooman Azad

Hooman Azad

Doctoral Researcher
Loughborough University
PhD Project: The applicability of grey-box modelling to predict the space heating energy and the indoor air temperature in low-energy buildings in the UK climate


I completed my undergraduate studies in applied physics. After starting my career in the HVAC industry and working as a sales support engineer and product manager with world-renowned Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRF) heat pump manufacturers, I became passionate about the field and earned my Master of Science in mechanical engineering. During my master’s studies, I was interested in modelling solar collectors. Later I tried to investigate the technical feasibility of integrating solar energy (both solar thermal collectors and PV panels) with advanced cooling/heating systems in locations with high levels of solar radiation to devise solar cooling (and heating) systems.


I joined the ERBE CDT program in October 2021. I am a member of the Building Energy Research Group (BERG), which aims to transform the performance of buildings for a healthy, sustainable, and zero-carbon future. I am an expert in building energy modelling (BEM), with a special interest in low-energy buildings such as Passivhus buildings.


After starting my PhD, I entered the world of probabilities, statistics and data science. I am using statistical modelling techniques in building energy modelling and investigating the applicability of the grey-box modelling techniques to predict the indoor air temperature in buildings with low space heating demand (low energy buildings) in the UK climate.


My expertise and research interests include:


  • Building energy modelling
  • Statistical modelling in building energy
  • Buildings physics
  • Time series analysis
  • Data driven modelling
  • HVAC systems and equipment


I am also an ASHRAE member and won second place in the 2022 ASHRAE Doctoral Researcher Student Competition, hosted by Loughborough University in May 2022.