
Profile picture of Anastasia Mylona

Dr Anastasia Mylona

Head of Research at CIBSE
Anastasia is a CEng and a CIBSE Member, currently employed by CIBSE as their Head of Research supervising all CIBSE funded research portfolio towards developing new knowledge for CIBSE members. In this role she leads the development of CIBSE guidance relevant to climate change impacts and adaptation, and the climate change information required for the future proofing of buildings and their services. Among other projects, she led the development of the CIBSE Weather Files (2016 edition), TM48 Use of Climate Change Data in Building Simulation, TM52 Design for Future Climate - Case Studies, TM59 Design Methodology for the Assessment of Overheating Risk in Homes. Anastasia studied Architecture in Greece and completed her PhD on the environmental performance of buildings and systems, with special focus on the energy performance and overheating risk assessment of highly glazed buildings, at the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University. For six years she was based at UK Climate Impacts Programme, at Oxford University, working in collaboration with industry and policy makers to transfer research outputs into practice and policy.